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  • Sale! A History of the Baloch and Balochistan

    A History of the Baloch and Balochistan


    A History of the Baloch and Balochistan

    Mir Naseer Khan Ahmedzai Kambarani Baloch

    This is an abridged English translation of an eight-volume book in Urdu, written by a direct descendant of the Khan of Kalat. The book records BalochistanÕs ancient history, the Islamic Empire, Mongol conquests, the advent of the British, and the post-Partition period. It attempts to generate a better understanding of the Baloch through historical retrospection, dispelling the anachronistic characterization of the land and its people.

  • Sale! A History of the Judiciary in Pakistan Second Edition

    A History of the Judiciary in Pakistan Second Edition By Hamid Khan


    A History of the Judiciary in Pakistan Second Edition

    Hamid Khan

    This book undertakes a comprehensive study of Pakistan’s judicial history since Independence. It includes detailed discussion of the act, lives, and judgments of significant Pakistani judges, with their continuing effects on the life of the nation.
    One of the three primary organs of the state, the judiciary in Pakistan has attained a particularly prominent profile over the last decade and a half. The dramatic restoration to office of the Chief Justice, following the celebrated Lawyers’ Movement of 2007; the exercise of suo moto jurisdiction by the Supreme Court in matters of enforcement of fundamental rights; the increasingly prominent role the Judiciary is playing in the resolution of conflicts: these and other developments have further enhanced interest in the judiciary, which has become a focal point for people’s aspirations and hopes.
    This is the second edition of the book; the first edition was published in 2016. This book will be of special interest to lawyers, judges, law professors, and to students of law, political science, and history, as well as general readers.

  • Sale! History, Memory, Fiction

    History, Memory, Fiction By David Waterman


    History, Memory, Fiction

    New Dimensions in Contemporary Pakistani and Kashmiri Writings
    David Waterman

    History, Memory, Fiction proposes an examination of several contemporary novels and memoirs of leading Pakistani and Kashmiri writers, considering them as historical fiction, in other words as works that are based on real-world facts, but as fiction are able to go further in creating what have been called ‘possible worlds’, ultimately creating a plausible story that might well be a true story. By blurring the frontier between history and fiction, unconstrained by concerns of referential ‘truth’, these novels and memoirs are able to provide us with fresh insights and moral orientation while suggesting that the past—which is not the same as history—must be given meaning in our present if we wish to create better possible futures. Thus, these writers are engaged in active social critique, providing readers with a broader perspective of historical consciousness.

  • Sale! In Quest of Jinnah

    In Quest of Jinnah By Sharif al Mujahid


    In Quest of Jinnah

    Diary, Notes, and Correspondence of Hector Bolitho
    Edited by Sharif al Mujahid

    This book is a compilation of previously unpublished and expunged portions of Jinnah: Creator of Pakistan by Hector Bolitho, the first biography of the Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, and Bolitho’s own diary and notes, and correspondence with functionaries of the Government of Pakistan and highly placed individuals in Britain, India,
    and Pakistan who had known Jinnah personally. The book also includes the English and American reviews of Bolitho’s celebrated and influential biography. The volume is a treasure trove of oral history concerning Pakistan’s founding father. Bolitho’s interviews with people who had known Jinnah personally in various capacities, and at various stages of his life, recorded within four to five years of his death, have preserved for posterity a good deal of information and historically important material that would have otherwise been lost for ever. This contribution is, in fact, more valuable and has greater significance than Bolitho’s published biography. These texts comprise material that the author was not allowed to include in his biography, but is presented in this volume for the benefit of scholars and interested readers. In Quest of Jinnah provides a three-dimensional view of the original published version, and offers fresh and authentic insights into the personality and politics of Mohammad Ali Jinnah.

  • Sale! PAKISTAN LEFT REVIEW: Then and Now

    PAKISTAN LEFT REVIEW: Then and Now By Nadir Cheema and Stephen M. Lyon



    Edited by Nadir Cheema and Stephen M. Lyon

    This volume places the spotlight on an important moment in history. The late 1960s was a time of profound change around the world, and the contributions included here from Pakistan’s leftist intellectuals based in London, speak volumes about the implications of the turbulence and the promise for a better future in relation to Pakistan. More than five decades on, the promise of a better tomorrow looks as far away as ever, but the turbulence has returned with a vengeance. The newly written contributions reflect on the significance of this leftist journal at the time and the impact of those ideas and discourses on the politics that came to be.

    Challenging the triumphant narratives of global capitalism long before the current impasse created by the mantra of neoliberal market fundamentalism, the essays reproduced here from the PLR underscore how critical intellectual engagement with history and other social science disciplines can offset the disillusionment and lack of direction in our increasingly troubling present. An overture to a fairer and more equitable deal for the disempowered and exploited, the volume is a must read for anyone interested in the history of the left in Pakistan.

    Professor Ayesha Jalal, Tufts University

    By excavating a sliver in the rich but largely neglected history of revolutionary internationalism in Pakistan and the diaspora, Lyon & Cheema provide hope that new potentialities of left politics can be crafted in our global present. Essential reading for young Pakistani progressives today who have otherwise limited exposure to historical lineages of the left. Learning about this past is the first step to carrying forward the left’s best traditions whilst also charting new futures for emancipatory thought and political practice.

    Dr Aasim Sajjad Akhter, Quaid-i-Azam University

    This important collection of documents, the Pakistan Left Review, contains a record of Pakistani global history in the progressive 1960s that is often missing from national archival records. It will be of interest to scholars and general readers alike.

    Dr Anushay Malik, Simon Fraser University

  • Sale! Pakistan Studies Second Edition

    Pakistan Studies Second Edition By Muhammad Reza Kazimi


    Pakistan Studies Second Edition

    Muhammad Reza Kazimi

    Pakistan Studies is written for students enrolled in the Four-Year BS Degree programme, the Five-Year BE and LLB Degree programme, and the Two-Year Associate Degree (AD) programme. The second edition of this essential textbook covers the National Curriculum for Pakistan Studies (compulsory) course.
    This is the first definitive study of Pakistan’s history, culture, geography, the environment and its development. The historical background of Pakistan and implications of the Cabinet Mission Plan, the political development of Pakistan, the break-up of 1971, and the nuclearization of Pakistan, are written in a way that provides a complete overview. The Foreign Relations section deals with the role of world powers during the wars fought by Pakistan and its relations with South Asian and
    Middle Eastern countries. The economy of Pakistan is detailed in its many phases: at creation, when Pakistan was not considered viable, to the 1960s, when the economy was upheld as a model, right up to the present-day challenges. In the section on Culture, the author explains why language became a politically charged issue.
    Pakistan Studies is a multi-disciplinary compulsory subject taught in all degree colleges and universities across Pakistan. The second edition has been revised and updated and includes four new chapters.

  • Sale! Sindh under the Mughals

    Sindh under the Mughals By Humera Naz


    Sindh under the Mughals

    Origin and Development of Historiography (1591–1737 CE)
    Humera Naz

    [This] book is a major contribution to the history of Sindh, and consequently to that of Pakistan and South Asia. Beyond the excellence of the research, it must be emphasized that, if the reign of the Mughal rulers has been studied in detail, it is mainly in the imperial context, namely from the centres of power they had created and developed in northern India … Dr Naz has shifted the focus, producing an innovative perspective on how the Mughals exercised power in territories relatively far from the imperial centres, but above all she reveals the leading role they played in developing historiography through the spread of several literary genres. Thus, Dr Naz’s work renews the field of Mughal studies, but at the same time, it is much more than that.

    Michel Boivin
    Director, Centre for South Asian Studies, CNRS-EHESS, Paris

  • Sale! South Asian Filmscapes

    South Asian Filmscapes By Elora Halim Chowdhury and Esha Niyogi De


    South Asian Filmscapes

    Edited by Elora Halim Chowdhury and Esha Niyogi De

    In South Asia, massive anticolonial movements in the twentieth century created nation-states and reset national borders, forming the basis for emerging film cultures. Following the 1947 Partition of India and Pakistan and the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War, new national cinemas promoted and reinforced prevailing hierarches of identity and belonging. At the same time, industrial and independent cinemas contributed to porous and hybrid film cultures, reflecting the intertwining of South Asian histories and their reciprocal cultural influences.

    South Asian Filmscapes excavates these complex politics and poetics of bordered identity through selected histories of cinema in South Asia. Several essays reveal how fixed notions of national identity have been destabilized by the cross-border mobility of filmed arts and practitioners, while others interrogate how filmic politics intersect with discourses of nationalism, sexuality and gender, religion, and language. Together, they offer a fluid approach to the multiple histories and encounters that conjure ‘South Asia’ as a geographic and political entity through a cinematic imagination.

  • Sale! Taming Rivers

    Taming Rivers By Khan Bahadur Abdur Rahman Khan


    Taming Rivers

    Recollections of a Civil Engineer during the British Raj
    Khan Bahadur Abdur Rahman Khan

    These are the memoirs of Khan Bahadur Abdur Rahman Khan (1891–1980), a civil engineer in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP; now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), during the British Indian period. A member of the Imperial Service of Royal Engineers, his memoirs provide a riveting account of the turbulent historical period in the NWFP, which saw the decline of the British Raj from its zenith, under Queen Victoria, to the exit of the British, the Partition of India, and the creation of Pakistan. His narrative records the often violent political struggle for independence, the gradual decline of the Raj and its institutions, the consequences of the shifting power structures under the various reforms, and the tussle between the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League to win over the loyalties of the Pathans.

    His narrative is rich with anecdotes and insights about events and the people who shaped the course of this history such as Sir George Cunningham, Sir Olaf Caroe, Sir Ambrose Dundas, Allama Iqbal, Dr Khan Sahib, Ghaffar Khan, and Khan Abdul Qayum Khan.

    As a young engineer he was instrumental in saving the city of Dera Ismail Khan from being swept away by the raging waters of the Indus River in floods and he undertook long and arduous treks in Waziristan and Balochistan escorted by troops lead by British officers to survey and develop dams and irrigation projects.

    He made a significant contribution to the irrigation development of the NWFP and Balochistan. After Independence he was appointed a member of the delegation to negotiate the Indus Water Dispute with India.

    Besides providing an intimate political and social history of the changing times, hitherto not available in contemporary works, the author is widely recognized as an eminent engineer and his historical perspective on the water resources development of arid regions is a useful reference for those interested in working on these issues in Pakistan.